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Elevate Your Life

Welcome to the pinnacle of support- formerly known as the Golden Light Membership, now reborn as the Conscious Awareness Platinum Membership. This exclusive offering represents the highest level of guidance and healing support available for individuals.

This, in turn, means you are a clear vessel for Source to flow to and through you. And you can experience manifestation with greater ease to experience the life you were meant to live – in close alignment with your spirit.

The Platinum Membership is a way to experience the most from your higher Self and to live the fullest expression of your higher Self in a condensed time frame – 6 months.

Limited Seats Available

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Why Choose the Platinum Membership

Often times, we go through life with the best intentions, but so much time passes us by. This membership offers the perfect opportunity to accelerate your ascension and create extraordinary results in your life.


You will be given meditations to practice over the period of 6 months which will aid in elevating your energetic vibration, connecting to your intuition, and experiencing life with an open heart.

On Demand Service

Receive distant energy healings within 24 hours of your request to clear energy blocks quickly. Also, receive 2 in person healings each month over Zoom.


Be a part of a like minded community, thriving together as they reach their goals quickly with greater ease.


What You Will Receive:

  • Access to Conscious Awareness’ services within 24 hours’ notice for a distant healing to shift your energy.

  • A small online community of other like minded individuals who are living their best life energetically, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

  • Up to 5 more distant healings/month as you feel you need them.

  • Learn specific meditations to increase your awareness & consciousness, while awakening your own intuition.

  • 2 healings/month over Zoom.

  • Tina Bishai

    Shamanic Practitioner

    What they say about the Golden Light Membership...

    The personal, professional, and spiritual growth that I experienced and continue to experience with Tina has been invaluable. It was truly exponential for the 7 months I was a Golden Light member and had consistent support through large life transitions. It was an opportunity to delve into the foundation from which I live, unearthing things that no longer serve me, cementing the things that do, and allowing a space for creativity to carve dreams into reality. It has allowed me to live from a place of expansion and abundance that has become the norm rather than the exception. I have been seeking stability, safety, and joy for much of my life, with Tina’s support and guidance I have found those things and much more. 

    Lacey O.

    I started my Golden Light Membership over a year ago and at that time I was doing okay with most life issues (business, money, relationships, health) but things were inconsistent. Up and down without a clear explanation in my mind. I would attract money into my life and then it would be gone without replacement funds. Tina explained to me that my energy was often blocked, and that negative thought energies were holding me back. After joining Golden Light I was able to seek Tina’s healings more frequently and address these blocks immediately when I felt “off”. The results have been excellent. I can stay in a high energy state for longer and longer durations and avoid the blocks that were holding me back. My business results have improved, money flows more freely and consistently, and I get more done with less effort. Ideas flow more freely, I’m motivated to create more for my business, and my confidence has soared. I am so grateful for my Golden Light Membership and everyone in the group. I feel supported and loved by this group.

    Dan H.

    "I met Tina at the start of COVID. That time was very difficult for me in my business. I was flying high as one of Bob Proctor's Global top 1% for 6 years straight. When COVID came, it put a stop to all my previous business activities.

    I remember, it didn't matter how many mindset tools I had, I didn't feel like getting out of bed in the morning. It was challenging, but at the same time, I bless this moment because I was recommended to Tina.

    I learned that my results were not only mindset driven, but also a huge element that might be impacting the results in my life may have been held back by Energy.

    My business is thriving, and I know that Tina's work with me had a huge component and part in me acquiring these results.

    And my inside world...this has been the biggest gift from Tina - feeling guided. I didn't have connection to Divine guidance - it was so out there for me. I also had the opinion that I was not intuitive. After working with Tina, I'm able to ask and receive. My intuition has been blown out of proportion. The guidance I now receive is extraordinary!" - Ewa P.

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